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Ethos, Vision and Values

Our mission statement is:

“A learning community, celebrating Christ in all, building a kingdom of love, hope and joy”

and we make the following three commitments to our families: 

A learning community

Our school is a community of learners where parents and teachers work in partnership to support children to fulfil their academic potential, but more than that, to develop into rounded, reflective young people with the strength of character to make thoughtful decisions in the face of whatever challenges they might face. 

Celebrating Christ in All

We were all made in the image of God, and we are all unique and special.  St. Edmund’s is an inclusive school, where children's talents are identified and nurtured.

Building a kingdom of love, hope and joy

We encourage our children to look around them at their community and the wider world and use their talents to make a positive contribution.  Children leave St. Edmund’s with a sense of the ‘bigger picture’ and with a sense of responsibility towards others. 

Our values are based on the Gospel Values and informed by Catholic Social Teaching and are central to life at St. Edmund’s:. 

  • Unity
  • Fairness
  • Responsibility
  • Wisdom
  • Participation
  • Respect