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Attendance and Punctuality


Attending school regularly is important, not only for your child’s academic achievement but also for their mental health, wellbeing, and wider development. 

Pupils who miss fewer days at school tend to perform better at the end of primary school and are better prepared for secondary school.  

90% attendance= 1/2 day missed every week

1 school year at 90% attendance = 4 weeks of learning missed

Over 5 years of school = 1/2 a school year missed

You can read our school attendance policy on the policy page of this website.  


The school gates open just before 8.40am each morning and close at 8.50am, when the register is taken.  It is important that children are in class for the register so that they start the day calmly, find out about plans for the day and have the opportunity to ask any questions they might have.


It can be difficult to decide whether your child is well enough to come to school if they are complaining of feeling sick in the morning.  This NHS leaflet is a helpful guide in these situations.  If you are not sure, you can always bring your child to school and we will contact you if we feel that they need to go home.  If your child is too ill to come to school, please contact the school office either by email or by phone as soon as possible to let us know the reason for the absence and when your child is likely to be back.  

We are only able to authorise absence from school in exceptional circumstances.  If your child needs to miss school for a reason other than illness, please complete the absence request form (below) and return it to the school office.  


We monitor attendance and punctuality closely and work closely with our families where needed. If you would like any support around punctuality and attendance please do get in touch.

Holiday Request Form