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Friends of St. Edmund’s

Who Are We?

Welcome to the Friends of St Edmund’s Primary School. We are a registered charity dedicated to supporting the school as it educates, nurtures and inspires our children (Charity No. 1096121). We do this through:

  • raising funds to enrich the school’s resources
  • enhancing the community spirit of our school by organising a range a social events

Recent events include: bake sales, school discos, an international picnic and a times table competition.   We’re always keen to develop new ideas and social events, so come and share your ideas with us.

How You Can Get Involved

We are a welcoming group, which meets regularly to organise events and activities for the school community. All parents and guardians automatically become members of the Friends of St. Edmund's when their child joins the school, and all are warmly invited to join our meetings. Dates will be advertised on Parent Mail.

If you can’t make it to our meetings, but have some time to volunteer on an ad hoc basis, we’d love to hear from you. We are always in need of an ‘extra pairs of hands’ at events, or to bake cakes, make tea, or ‘hold the fort’.

You can also support us through Easyfundraising. It is free to register, and when you buy online the PA benefits with a small donation, and these quickly add up: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stedmundsrcprimaryschoolabingdon/

How To Contact Us

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/595659062314500

Email us on: friendsofsteds@mail.com

How We Spend The Money

At the moment, we are raising funds for:

  • new playground markings
  • Science equipment
  • Art and Design Technology resources