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Personal and Spiritual Development

One of the defining features of a Catholic education is the focus on the whole child.  Our children are given a wide range of opportunities to develop a closer relationship with God and to build on their own skills, outlook and attitudes so that they can make a contribution to the wider community.  


Each year, the children raise funds for people who are less fortunate than they are.  Each year, we collect items for Abingdon Foodbank at our Harvest Festival.  We also support funds to support the Parish Project.  Last year, our Lent Fair raised nearly £900 for good causes.  


Children in Years 5 and 6 are invited to join MIni Vinnies.  The Mini Vinnies are the youngest members of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms by providing practical assistance to people in need. 

Our Mini Vinnies meet regularly to live out their mission of see, think, do, supporting both the school community and the wider community.  Recent projects include organising a collection to support people who are experiencing homeless and helping at the parish lunch.  

Faith Friends

Two children in each class are invited to support their school community as Faith Friends.  These children are helped to plan and lead weekly class liturgies and also make a wider contribution to school worship by updating displays and choosing resources.

School Council

Each year, one child is elected from each class to represent their peers at the School Council.  This is a great opportunity for children to take on responsibility around the school.  Recent projects have included choosing resources for the playground and writing to the Friends of St. Edmund's to request funding, helping to select our new school uniform and giving feedback to our caterers about school dinners.