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St Edmund’s RC Primary School  has a strong group of committed and caring governors.  The full Governing Body meets five times a year.  Governors also serve on committees (such as the Resources and Teaching & Learning Committees) and small working parties which meet as required and who will advise the full Governing Body of recommended actions on specific issues.  In addition, each Teaching & Learning governor is linked to a subject or specific area of responsibility. It is important that the Governing Body has a wide range of people with a variety of talents and expertise; Governors do not have to be people within the education system.

Some of the main responsibilities of the Governing Body are:

  • deciding (with the Headteacher) the aims and policies of the school, and how educational standards can be improved
  • helping to draw up (with the Headteacher and Staff) the School Development Plan
  • deciding how to spend the school’s budget
  • making sure the National Curriculum is taught
  • selecting the Head and Deputy Headteachers
  • acting (with the Headteacher) on a range of staffing matters
  • drawing up an Action Plan after an inspection and monitoring how the Action Plan is put into practice.

If you would like to become a school governor, please speak to any of the school Governors or the Headteacher, who will be able to answer your questions and advise on next steps.

The protocol for contacting governors is via the Clerk to the Governors through the School Office. The Clerk will pass on any correspondence to the Headteacher and Chair of Governors who will then decide on a future course of action depending on the nature of the issue.

Our Governing Body

Parent Governor

Claire Milham



Staff Governors

Erika Kirwan Headteacher (ex officio)
Deborah Brown



Link LA Governor

Octavia Armstrong



Foundation Governors

Deborah Brooks (Chair)
Stuart Smith 
Trevor Blackburn
Helena Felici
Barbara Habayeb (Vice Chair)
Fr Jamie McGrath
Ann-Therese Moloney



Clerk to the Governors

Guy Rogers


Admissions Committee

Deborah Brooks (Chair)
Fr Jamie McGrath
Ann-Therese Moloney 
Deborah Brown



Teaching & Learning Committee

Ann-Therese Moloney (Chair)
Deborah Brooks
Deborah Brown
Barbara Habayeb
Erika Kirwan



Resources Committee

Stuart Smith (Chair)
Octavia Armstrong
Deborah Brooks
Helena Felici
Erika Kirwan
Caroline Lomas
Claire Milham



Pay Committee

Deborah Brooks (Chair)
Barbara Habayeb
Ann-Therese Moloney
Stuart Smith


Fr Jamie McGrath
(First appointed on 1 Sep 2010. Term of office from 1 Sep 2022 to 31 Aug 2026)
As parish priest of Our Lady and St Edmund parish I am a Foundation Governor of St Edmund’s school. I serve on the Admissions committee. Until recently I was also  Episcopal Vicar for Education in the diocese of Portsmouth. Since I arrived in Abingdon in 2010 I have been thrilled by the way important links between parish and school continue to strengthen. With the senior leadership of the school we strive to enhance the Catholic ethos in a nurturing and wholesome way.

Deborah Brooks (Chair)
(First appointed on 11 Apr 2018. Term of office from 11 Apr 2018 to 6 Apr 2026)
I am a Foundation Governor and joined the Governing Body in April 2018. I have been elected Chair of the Governing Body at St Edmund’s from September 2019. My background is in education and I have taught mainly Primary and Early Years children. I am now retired and I am enjoying helping in school by hearing children read. I sit on the Teaching and Learning Committee, Resources Committee and the Admissions Committee. I am a parishioner at Our Lady and St Edmund’s Church.

Stuart Smith (Vice Chair)
(First appointed on 21 Nov 2017. Term of office from 29 Nov 2021 to 29 Nov 2025)
My name is Stuart Smith and by day I work in IT for a local Publishing firm. I’ve been a Foundation Governor on the Resources Committee since 2017. As well as being a Foundation Governor, I have two children at the school.

Octavia Armstrong
(First appointed on 1 Apr 2021. Term of office from 1 Apr 2021 to 31 Mar 2025)
I have been a Parent Governor on the Resources Committee since spring 2021. I am a Catholic mum of two boys and a girl, and my older two children attend St. Edmund’s. I work in market research specialising in innovation and new product development. I am excited to contribute to our wonderful school community.

Deborah Brown
(First appointed on 22 Nov 2017. Term of office from 22 Nov 2021 to 21 Nov 2025)

Helena Felici
(First appointed on 3 Mar 2023. Term of office from 3 Mar 2023 to 2 Mar 2027)
I am a Foundation Governor and joined the Governing body in March 2023. I am also part of the Resources Committee. I have extensive experience of business management and I am very grateful to be able to offer my skills to help a school to go from strength to strength. Which is something I always wanted to do.

Barbara Habayeb
(First appointed on 23 Jun 2021. Term of office from 23 Jun 2021 to 22 Jun 2025)
With a background in education and also management information systems for schools, I am pleased to be able to offer and use any relevant skills and to have the opportunity to work with the School community as a foundation governor and member of the Resources committee. I hope to be able to help the school to go from strength to strength in all areas, especially the Catholic ethos.

Claire Milham
(First appointed on 11 Oct 2022. Term of office 11 Oct 2022 to 10 Sep 2026)
I am a parent governor on the Resources Committee. I work in procurement for a higher education provider. I have two children, one who has already completed their education at St Edmund’s and very much enjoyed it and the other who is still in the school.

Ann-Therese Moloney
(First appointed on 23 Jun 2021. Term of office from 23 Jun 2021 to 22 Jun 2025)
I joined the Governing body as a Foundation Governor in summer 2021 and sit on the Teaching and Learning committee. I am a parishioner at Our Lady and St Edmund’s Church and have been involved with the school for over thirty years both as a parent and until recently as a Teaching Assistant. This experience will help me to contribute to the school as a governor.

Governor Attendance Registers

attendance register 2022_3

attendance register 2023_4