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Key Stages 1 and 2

Once children have completed our Early Years Programme, they join Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and then Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6).  

Key Stage 1

Our Key Stage 1 classrooms are situated by the 'Discovery Den', our Key Stage 1 library, and children have easy access to the hall and playground.  

In Years 1 and 2, learning time gradually becomes more formal and structured, but at the beginning of Year 1, there is still plenty of time for the children to play and explore their own ideas.

In Year 1, there is a particular focus on phonics, building on the work done in Early Years, and at the end of Year 1 children are assessed on their phonic knowledge.  Children not working at the expected standard are given additional support in Year 2.    

At the end of Year 2, children sit the optional End of Key Stage 1 tests.  We use these to identify any children who will need further support as they move to Key Stage 2. 

Key Stage 2

The Key Stage 2 classrooms are situated at the opposite end of the school to Key Stage 1.  The children have their own library, an Art and Design Room and a Nurture Room and have easy access to the Key Stage 2 playground and the hall.  

As children move through Key Stage 2, they are gradually encouraged to become more independent and to help the younger children in the school.  

In Year 3, the children have whole-class strings lessons with Oxfordshire Music Service.  Many children then choose to continue to learn a musical instrument.

In Year 4, the children enjoy a one-night residential at Youlberry Scout Camp and have weekly swimming lessons.  There is a strong focus on multiplication and times table facts in Year 4, as the children prepare for the multiplication check at the end of the year.

Year 5 children have karate lessons in the Spring Term.  They start to take more responsibility around the school.

Year 6 children are in their final year of primary school and they work hard to prepare for their SATs.  Most children have a responsibility, such as preparing the hall for assembly or helping in the library.  The highlight of Year 6 for many children is the Year 6 residential.