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At St Edmund’s we are aware of the great benefits of digital technology and we are striving to update our current provision in order to enhance learning throughout the school.  We are equally determined to teach our children the need to keep themselves safe and to make the right choices when using the internet and all forms of digital technology.

We have a thorough filtering system in school that allows us to have access to many online resources but which also filters inappropriate material to provide us with safe and appropriate online materials. We would like to remind parents that social networking sites such as Facebook, Snap Chat, Instagram, Messenger, What’s App, Tumblr, Steam, Bebo etc are all age restricted and none of these sites should be available to primary school aged children (the minimum age for most of these networking sites is 13 and for good reason).

The school policy regarding Online Safety (Located on our policies & Procedures Page) is regularly reviewed and we carefully consider how we can monitor and report any inappropriate use of the internet outside of school, including social networking sites and examples of cyber- bullying. We wish to work alongside parents to ensure our children are safe and secure in their use of the internet. We encourage you to monitor your child’s activity and check that any games being played are not exposing your children to inappropriate material and are always age appropriate. Informing us of any cyber-bullying incidents outside of school will enable us to better support your child. If parents/carers wish to do this then please talk to the office staff and they will pass on the information to the Designated Safeguarding Lead who will assess the situation and deal with the matter in a discrete and appropriate manner.

There are many informative and fun online resources available for children and parents.  Please view the links below and should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.