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Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer is at the centre of our school community and we come together to pray each day.  We aim to provide children with a variety of opportunities for prayer, ranging from very informal, private prayer time to more structured Mass.

Each class prays together at the beginning and end of the day, and before meals.  Our timetable for collective worship is as follows: 


Whole School Worship linked to the Sunday Gospel, usually led by the Headteacher


KS2 Collective Worship, led by teachers

EYFS and KS1 Class Worship led by teachers


Sing and Praise led by the RE Coordinator


EYFS and KS1 Collective Worship, led by teachers

KS2 Class Worship


Whole School Celebration Assembly, usually led by the headteacher.  (The focus of this assembly is to celebrate children’s achievements and/ or to motivate the children through discussion and story.  However, these assemblies also include a prayer.)


Each long term, Father Jamie visits the school for a Liturgy with the Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.  Children in Year 3 and above attend Mass at our parish church, the church of Our Lady and St. Edmund, once a long term. 

We also celebrate Mass in school for special occasions such as the beginning and end of term and holy days of obligation.  We hold a service of reconciliation during Lent and a  May Procession.   Family members and members of the parish are welcome to join us for Mass.

We regularly offer the children opportunities for reflection and meditation through a variety of worship activities, including prayer spaces, the stations of the cross and the rosary. 

We regularly ask children and adults to feedback on their experience of worship using our prayer and worship survey.