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At St. Edmund's we take our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children entrusted to our care seriously.

As part of the ethos of the school, the staff and governors are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers, valuing each individual child in our care, and ensuring that all members of staff – and volunteers in school – are properly trained and supported. 

The school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Headteacher, Mrs Erika Kirwan.  Mrs Sarah Demarchi and Mrs Caroline Lomas are Deputy DSLs and deal with safeguarding concerns in the absence of the Head.  The governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Ann-Therese Moloney.

Safeguarding children is a shared responsibility and a community issue.  If you have concerns about any child or young person, please feel free to speak privately to Mrs Kirwan or one of the Deputy DSLs.

If a safeguarding issue is brought to the school’s attention it is possible that, depending on the issue, information might have to be shared with external agencies, e.g. the police, Oxfordshire County Council’s Safeguarding team,  Wherever possible, you will be kept informed of all actions taken.  

Our Safeguarding policy clearly outlines the guiding principles and procedures agreed in school to demonstrate our commitment to effective child protection.

The following links may be helpful if you or your children need additional support:




CEOP (online safety)

If you have an immediate safeguarding concern about a child who attends St. Edmund's Primary School, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on :

0345 0507666

or call

999 or 101