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At St. Edmund’s Catholic Primary School we recognise that many children join our school with at least a receptive understanding of a second language and we celebrate this. Our chosen language for Modern Foreign Languages is Spanish and we follow a scheme called ‘Language Angels’. Each class covers five different units over the year learning vocabulary and grammar and practising their speaking (including phonics and pronunciation), listening, reading and writing skills. As we have only recently started teaching Spanish, there is some repetition across the year groups, but this will be adapted as the children move up through the school.

The document below lays out the Spanish Curriculum at St. Edmund's from Year 3 to Year 6.  

spanish overview.pdf

 You may also find these documents helpful:

Progression Chart

National Curriculum

The Subject Lead for Spanish is Mrs Erika Kirwan.  If you have any questions about how Spanish is taught at school, please contact Mrs Kirwan via the school office.